
One of the hardest things about writing every day, is that I know it could be better.

“Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” - Shakespeare

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Sometimes I can be really harsh on myself. In this age, we are surrounded by success stories that seem beyond our wildest dreams of achieving. Wherever we care to look, there’s somebody doing better than us. These people seem almost inhuman in the efforts they go to be successful, executing the “Top 10 habits of successful CEOs”, the “Morning routine HACK that changed my life” and “How writing a blog everyday helped me find my dream life” (okay, you got me). [Read More]

First post

This is my first actual blog post. I’ve written before, and written to myself on more private topics that may never be shared, or a couple of times about tech topics, but this is the first post in the real spirit of blogging.

And it would make sense to start with an introduction. But, life doesn’t really make sense does it?

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